RingCentral Uninstall


For Windows Computers

For Apple Computers


Uninstalling RingCentral on Windows

To uninstall RingCentral on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Control Panel from the Windows taskbar

    Launch the Control Panel from the Windows taskbar

  2. Click Uninstall a program under Programs

    Click Uninstall a program under Programs

  3. Select the Ringcentral app you are removing (for this example we are removing RingCentral Meetings)
  4. Right-click the app and selectUninstall


  5. Follow the uninstalling procedures to uninstall the desktop app


Uninstalling RingCentral Meetings on Mac

To uninstall RingCentral apps on your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on your Finder icon and select Applications
  2. Look for any RingCentral apps
  3. Right-click the app and select Move to Trash
  4. Follow the uninstalling procedures, if prompted
  5. Empty your Trash

    uninstall RingCentral Meetings on your Mac

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