How Do I Get Started Using Office Web Applications - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote?



Office Web Apps - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote

  • ​Office Web Apps are touch-friendly web applications that let you create, edit and share your Excel, Word, PowerPoint and OneNote files from any browser.
  • You can share and simultaneously work on your documents with classmates, friends and co-workers. No need to merge different versions later.​
  • Instead of emailing an attachment, send a link to the document. Office Web Apps let you read and edit Office docs in a browser on PCs, Macs, iPads, and tablets, and read them on smartphones.
  • Please note that while the Web Apps are available through most browsers, including mobile web browsers, they are not the Office Mobile application that is currently available in the Apple iTunes store or the Google Play store.  That is a separate product offering that is currently available to Students.

    Microsoft Tutorials

    ​Basic Tasks in Word Web App
    ​Basic Tasks in Excel Web App​​
    Basic Tasks in PowerPoint Web App​​
    ​Basic Tasks in OneNote Web App​​ 

    Viewing and Editing a File

    1. ​​Navigate to the file you want to work with in OneDrive for Business.
    2. To view the file, click on the file name which is a link.
    3. Once the file opens, if you want to edit the file (if you have permissions to edit), select EDIT DOCUMENT from the ribbon and select either "Edit in Word" or "Edit in Word Web App", depending on your needs.  The desktop version of Word offers more advanced functionality than the Web App.

    Sharing a File or Folder 

    1. Select the ellipses (...) next to the file you want to share and click SHARE from the pop-up or open the file and select SHARE from the ribbon.
    2. Enter the names of the people you want to share the document with and select the permissions they should have to the document or folder.
    3. Click Share.
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