Register new device for Duo Security


To start enrolling a new device, go to log into your Queens account such as your email - Once you reach the Duo Security page click Add a new device

Choose an authentication method and complete two-factor authentication to begin adding your new device.Screen_Shot_2021-06-03_at_8.57.59_AM.png


If you're adding a new device to replace one that you previously activated for Duo Push, don't select the Duo Push authentication method on this page unless you still have the original device. If you don't have the original device, but you have a new device with the same phone number, then you can authenticate with a phone call or SMS passcode.


You can't add a new device from this page if you do not have access to any of your previously enrolled authentication devices; you'll need to contact the ITS Help Desk for assistance. 



Proceed with the device enrollment process as shown on the screen. As an example, let's add another phone. 


Select Device Type


Enter and confirm the second phone's number.

Enter and Confirm Phone Number


Select the new phone's operating system.

Select Device Platform


Install Duo Mobile on the new phone and scan the barcode to activate.

Scan Barcode to Activate


The new phone is added and listed with your other enrolled devices. You can click Add another device to start the enrollment process again and add another authenticator.

New Device Added

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