Clutter is an Office 365 email filtering feature designed to move low priority messages out of your Inbox and into their own folder titled Clutter. Clutter utilizes actions you have taken in the past to determine the messages you’re most likely to ignore. It then moves those messages to the Clutter folder.
Clutter and junk email are both filtered out before they reach your Inbox. Junk email is evaluated and filtered first. Next, Clutter analyzes the remaining messages destined for your Inbox, and filters out the types of messages that you usually ignore or don't respond to, based on your past behavior.
Once Clutter is enabled in the Outlook Web Application, it appears in other clients linked to that Exchange account, including Outlook on both Windows and OS X platforms.
The Clutter feature is disabled by default on all newly created email accounts.
To Enable/Disable the Clutter Folder
- Within any browser, open the Outlook Web Application (OWA) by going to
- Login with your username and password.
- Click the Gear icon in the upper right and croll down to select Mail.
- In the left hand Options Pane click the entry for Clutter.
- To Enable the Clutter folder check both checkboxes.
- To Disable the Clutter folder uncheck both checkboxes.