How to Grant Someone Access and Editing Permissions to an Outlook Calendar


In order to share your calendar with another Exchange user, you'll first need to make the other person a delegate of your Calendar. If you want that person to have the ability to edit your calendar, then they will need the "Publishing Editor" permission. Once that has been set up, you can then share the calendar

In Outlook
1) Select Calendar
2) on the HOME tab select Calendar Permission
3) Add the desired employee name and set the permission level to "Publishing Editor"
4) Click Ok.

To Share your calendar with another Exchange user:

1) On the Home tab, in the Share group, click "Share Calendar".
2) In the Sharing Invitation that appears, enter the person who you want to share with in the To box.
3) Enter or select any other options that you want, just as if you were sending an email message.
if you want to individual to have

The recipient sees an email notification that you have shared your calendar. You can also request that the recipient share his or her Exchange Calendar with you.


Calendar Recipient:

You will need to open the sender’s Calendar as a Shared Calendar
1) On the Home tab, click on "Manage Calendar" then on "Open Calendar"
2) Then select "Open Shared Calendar"
3) Type the person’s name who shared the calendar in the box that appears
4) The sender’s calendar will show up under Shared Calendars in the pane on the Left.

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