How Do I Restore a Previous Version of a Document in OneDrive?


If you have document versioning turned on in OneDrive for Business, you can view or restore previous versions of documents. If document versioning is turned off, you can still restore the previous version of a document, though only the most recently edited version.



Restore a previous document version (Document Versioning turned on)


  1. Select the document for which you want to restore an earlier version.

  2. In the ribbon, select Files > Version History.

  3. In the Version History dialog box, open the drop-down menu for the document version you want to restore.
  4. Click Restore.
  5. In the confirmation message, click OK. The document version you selected becomes the current version. The previous current version becomes the previous version in the list.

View a previous document version

Sometimes you may just want to view an earlier document version. Or you may want to see and compare an earlier document version before you restore it as the current version.


  1. Select the document for which you want to view an earlier version.
  2. In the ribbon, select Files > Version History.
  3. Select the link for the document version you want to view.
  4. The document opens in its application. Depending the type of document, you may see options for comparing document versions.


    Restore an earlier document version (Document Versioning turned off)

    If document versioning is turned off in your OneDrive for Business library, you can still restore the previous version of a document.

    This feature is available only if Document Versioning is turned off in OneDrive for Business. Additionally, this feature applies only to documents you’ve shared with others. It does not apply to documents other people have shared with you.


    1. In OneDrive for Business, select the ellipses (…) next to the document you want to restore to the previous version. The callout window displays the name of the person who last changed the document and the date of the change.
    2. If you want to see the previous version of the document before you restore it, click my last edits.

    3. Select Undo Changes to open the Undo Document Changes dialog box.

    4. To restore the previous version of the document, click Restore.


Do I have document versioning turned on in OneDrive for Business? 

To see if you have document versioning turned on in OneDrive for Business:


  1. Select any file in your library.
  2. Click Files > Version History.
  3. If the Version History button is grayed out, versioning is not turned on.


How to Turn on document versioning:

  1. Log in to OneDrive
  2. Click the 'Library' tab at the top of the site.
  3. Click 'Library Settings'
  4. Click 'Versioning Settings'
  5. In the Content Approval section, under Require content approval for submitted items?, select Yes or No.
  6. In the Item Version History or the Document Version History section, select if you want to create a major version or a major and minor version.
  7. Optional: Select the number of versions you want to retain in the list.
  8. Optional: Select the number of approved versions for which you want to retain drafts. This option is available when you select Yes in the Content Approval section.
    Determine which users should be allowed to see draft of items that have not been approved. This option is only available when Require content approval for submitted items  is set to Yes. In the Draft Item Security section, select one of the following.
  9. Any user who can read items. This selection allows access to anyone who has Read permissions to the site.
    Only users who can edit items. This selection restricts the view of drafts to those who have permissions to edit.
    Only users who can approve items (and the author of the item). This selection restricts the view to only the original author of the item and those who have permissions to approve items in the list.
  10. If you want users to check out documents before they can make any changes to the library, then in the Require checkout section, click Yes.  Note: The Require checkout section appears only for a library.
  11. Click OK.


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