For Revit WorkSharing to work properly, the Revit Client must have a file named RSN.ini installed to the path C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit Server 2022\Config\. The content of the RSN.ini file is the IP address of the Revit WorkSharing Server, which is
If you don’t see an RSN.ini file when you browse to the path above, you can create it by doing the following:
1. Create a new empty folder on your Desktop. Then, from within that folder, Right-click in an open area and select "New" followed by "Text Document" to create a new text file.
2. Rename the file from "New Text Document" to "RSN.ini".
3. Open the new RSN.ini file and type in the IP address on the first line. Then save the file.
4. IMPORTANT: You'll want to be certain your new file really has a ".ini" file extension. If Windows is not set to display the file extensions for files within a folder, your file might actually be named rsn.ini.txt instead of rsn.ini. (In the screenshot above, the little blue notepad icon next to the filename is one give-away that this file is really a .txt file instead of a .ini file.) Here's how to check for this.
a. From within your folder, go to the top menu bar, and then the View tab. Look for the check box for "File Name Extensions". If it is not checked, the true extensions for the files within the folder will be hidden. When you check the checkbox, the file's true extension will become visible. This is shown in the 2nd image below.
5. Now that you can see the hidden .txt extension, you can delete that extension which will rename the file to rsn.ini, like you want.
Also note that the icon for the file is no longer a little blue notebook. It has changed.
6. The rsn.ini file is now correct. Copy and paste it into the path where it belongs, and you are finished.